Talitha Koum

"He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished." - Mark 5:41-42

Ever get into a spiritual slumber?

In my journey with Christ, I often find myself in moments where I have fallen into a spiritual sleep. I suddenly find myself monotonously living out my day to day existence with a little faith thrown in. I am no longer connected to the Source, and I no longer seek Him. I found myself in that 'sleep' a little while ago. although my relationship with Christ has deepened in the past year, I had become so overwhelmed with worries and stress that my relationship with Him had taken a back seat. And as I remained in that slumber, the trust I had in Christ was beginning to waiver. 

Then I read those words.... "Talitha Koum" and in those words I felt Jesus take a step into my interior and order me to arise from my sleep. More than just waking me up, Jesus was acknowledging my littleness and stating that my littleness did not stand in the way of His call. Arise He says, get up at once. 

Oh it can be easy to remain in darkness, but Our Lord calls us to so much more! He calls us to a life fully lived. I pray these words become a constant reminder to never give into the lure of the ease of darkness and remember that constantly, always, He seeks me.

It's in those words that I have come to realise that our God cannot leave us in our darkness, each of us has the ability to rise. It's a reminder for me to simply listen for Him as He enters into my heart and says, "little girl, I tell you to get up".

I'll be praying for you xx


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