I'm Letting Go
Letting go of him has been the easy part.
Letting go of what
we could have been has proved more difficult. I think it’s an idea that I could
have attached to anyone. I would have imagined a future with any boy that
showed a slight interest in me. He just happened to be the one that my heart
opened up to. The reality that we will never be together set in quite a while
ago. I have accepted that it is not in God’s plan for us to be together,
certainly not at this point in our lives. What I struggle to accept, is the
dream that I had for us.
Where am I going with this? Well, as a young catholic woman
that has never been in a relationship (eeek!), I cannot help imagining a future
with a good catholic boy. I imagined us getting married and raising good
catholic children. It is the romantic in me and that’s okay. What I’ve since
realised is that it is important to guard your heart. It is okay to dream, but
not if it means you attach unrealistic expectations on a boy that is still
figuring out how he feels about you. In a way, what I did was unfair to him. I
began to resent him for not liking more when in reality I allowed my mind, and
yes, my heart to sprint ahead. I think it’s okay to have the dream. I just need
to learn to focus on keeping those dreams in check and focus on the now.
I’m letting go of the dream I had and focusing on the life I
have now.
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