To Know Myself
I have been thinking a lot about identity.
I have always struggled with embracing my identity. The idea
of ‘who I am’ has never made me feel comfortable or assured. Growing up I was
always an inside-outsider. I grew up in the suburbs of Durban, in the 90’s. It
was a great childhood existence. I had no social awareness of my being ‘other’
because I had a great group of friends who made me feel included. Somewhere in
senior school, that changed. The social complexities of South African model C
schools began to affect me. I was a Zulu black girl, who spoke English really
well. I had white best friends who didn’t know Zulu, and thus my school
existence was comprised of me speaking English all the time. This, at first
unknowingly, fostered an identity crisis of sorts. One I have been struggling
to come to terms with for the past 15 years. My identity struggles have not
stopped there. I have struggled in wearing my Catholic badge proudly, often
unsure of whether or not my personhood is worthy of that title. I have
struggled with my identity in a family of academically astute people, whose
achievements leave me feeling like I am not worthy to be associated with them. In
recent years I have struggled with being a twenty-something year old who has
yet to really ‘start’ life. This in particular, has left me feeling very
insecure around my peers.
You’re probably thinking, ‘so much doom and gloom, why write
a blog about this?’ Well, in the past year, my insecurities have led to me
wanting to spend more time alone than with people. Last year, I experienced
adoration in a way I never had before, and since then, I have spent more time in
front of the Blessed Sacrament than ever before. It was something I had never
really done, or appreciated before. Sitting in front of Jesus and just being
with Him was a foreign concept to me. It started off as an interesting
spiritual exercise in which I knew I could grow in faith. It has turned into a
necessity, that that I cannot be without.
In the last year, I
have gone through deep spiritual struggles, and I often wondered where God was
in my life. And yet, in that time, I have found that I now have a profound
desperation to just be in adoration. I didn’t realise how this change was occurring.
Then a few weeks ago I was looking for saint quotes on authenticity. I found
this one by St. Teresa of Avila, “We shall never completely know ourselves if
we don’t strive to know God.”
I’m not sure if it was the quote, or the intense stare of
St. Teresa that got me (probably a combination of both), but something in that
quote resonated in me.
I think that my hours spent in front of Jesus have forced me
to be real with myself. I have questioned, doubted, cried and chastised myself
in His presence. I thought I was trying to get through to Him, but I now think
it was all part of Him, trying to get through to me. There is something so
profound about the exposed Eucharist.
I always thought of it as an unveiling of Jesus, but I now think that in a way
we are most exposed, most bare, when we are in His presence. I cannot hide my
thoughts and feelings. I think in being in His presence I have begun to know
Him, in Him revealing Himself to me, I have begun to know more about myself.
I can’t say I no longer struggle with my identity. I can say
that I am starting, as difficult as it is, to see myself through His eyes. As
He looks at me, I look at Him, and begin to see myself. This does not mean that
my questions, doubts, tears and chastisements have gone away. It means that
slowly they are being matched with comfort and peace. I have peace and comfort
in knowing that He is with me, and I am with Him. That is who I am. I am Him.
I have learnt that my true identity, the only one that really
matters, is the one that is centred in Christ. I pray I never lose the
desperation I have to just be with Him. I pray He reveals more of who I am to
me, as I sit with Him. I pray that I may always have peace in being myself with
I just thought I'd share that with you.
I will be praying for you xx
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