
I’m Nqobile.

This is my blog.

It’s weird, but those are the scariest four words I have ever written. I don’t often step out of my comfort zone. If I go to a restaurant and order a meal, and really enjoy that meal, I will order that meal every time I go there. I have always found it easier to stay inside the lines.

The truth is, I have grown a lot this past year, both spiritually and personally, and I attribute a lot of this growth to blogs. A year ago I began reading blogs by young women, specifically young catholic women. These women, whether they know it or not, have inspired me and made me a better person. I appreciate their willingness to share their own stories and they have taught me so much about what it means to be a young woman living out my faith in my twenties.

It is this inspiration that has led me to this blog. I’m excited to share my thoughts about life, my new adventures and my faith. I am by no means a writer, but I like using words so this is a good fit. I hope you can go on this journey with me. I’m sure I will learn a lot about myself and hopefully we will all grow together. I hope we begin to find the beauty in all spaces, even the odd ones.

This blog is dedicated to my guardian angel.

Thank you for reading.
P.S. I’ll be praying for you x


  1. Your blog is off to such a beautiful start, Nqobile! I admire your willingness to step out of your comfort zone and do something that scares you. :) Best wishes as you continue blogging, and prayers for your faith journey!

    1. Thank you so much Tess! That means so much to me :)


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